Thursday, 13 November 2008

The Dilemma Of Collecting Live Art In Times Of Dematerialisation

A discussion that raised many questions about collecting and it's influences on the position and intentions of the artist.

2nd November 2008
Goethe Institute
Neue Schönhauser Str. 20
10178 Berlin

Organised by The DNA Gallery and Valerie Schwarz.

Speakers: David Elliot, artistic director of the Sydney Biennial 2010, Jan Hoet, director of MARTa Herford museum in Herford, Fumio Nanjo, director of Mori Art Museum in Tokyo, Berta Sichel director of audiovisuals at Museo Nacional de Arte Reina Sophia in Madrid, Mark Waugh exective director of the A Foundation in London and Liverpool. The panel was chaired by Mark Gisbourne, who is based in Berlin and is part of the editorial board at ART.ES.

DNA Gallery
Auguststraße 20
10117 Berlin
Tel. + 49 (0)30 28 59 96 52

photos © Julia Waugh.

Wednesday, 5 November 2008

The British Art Show 7 & The New Art Exchange

The British Art Show & The New Art Exchange

31st October 2008

...The ICF has been invited to curate a discussion on the issues underpinning the evolution of The British Art Show. Like Documenta this will evolve over a 5 year period, allowing new configurations and diverse approaches to the challenge of presenting a national survey.
What is strategically significant is that the exhibition tours to partner cities that raise the resources to host the exhibition.

For BAS7 one of the host cities is Plymouth, which has not previously benefitted from an exhibition of this scale, raising the question of how infrastructural challenges impact on curatorial choices. These and an array of questions will aim to navigate a path through issues that have, perhaps, been left unanswered since the last

Speakers include: David A. Bailey, Andrea Schlieker, Jason Bowman, Claire Doherty, Alex Farquarson, Hew Locke, Sandy Nairne, Mark Nash, Roger Malbert.