Wednesday, 31 March 2010

You Talkin' to me? Why are artists and curators turning to Education? - A Discussion

You Talkin' to me? Why are artists and curators turning to Education?

31 March 2010, 8pm-10pm

Faculty of Arts - VU University Amsterdam,
12A00 (12th floor, main building)
De Boelelaan 1105,
1081 HV Amsterdam,
The Netherlands

Speakers will include: Mélanie Bouteloup, Binna Choi, Sonia Dermience, Annie Fletcher, Wouter Davidts, Hassan Khan, Paul O' Neill, Edgar Schmitz, Mick Wilson
and others. Followed by a drinks reception.

Curating and the Educational Turn by Paul O’Neill & Mick Wilson, eds.
(Amsterdam and London, de Appel and Open Editions)
This collection of texts will unravel the notable turn to pedagogical models across a range of recent contemporary curatorial projects, art practices and artwriting as evidenced in a range of projects in recent years: ‘Pedagogy’ adopted as one of the three leitmotifs of documenta12 in 2007; the unrealized Manifesta 6 experimental art school as exhibitionary construct for Nicosia and the associated volume ‘Notes for an Artschool’; unitednationsplaza; ‘proto-academy’; Cork Caucus; Future Academy; para-education; Free Copenhagen University; A-C-A-D-E-M-Y; Mark Dion’s School; Tanya Bruguera’s Arte de Conducta in Havana; ArtSchool Palestine; School of Missing Studies, Belgrade; and many other examples. Instances of curatorial models and art practice conceived as critical cultural pedagogies (often construed as speculative – ‘open’ – emancipatory projects) are widely in evidence across the international scene. These developments are consistent with a turn to discursive models within curatorial practice, especially noticeable since the mid-nineteen-nineties. ‘Curating, and the Educational Turn’ is an anthology, which seeks to critically describe, locate, reflect upon, and think through this turn to pedagogical models and practices. Each contributor was invited to write a text on some aspect of the ‘pedagogical’ or ‘educational turn’ in recent curatorial and art practice and related critical cultural practices.

Contributors include: 16 Beaver Group, Peio Aguirre, Dave Beech, David Blamey & Alex Coles, Daniel Buren & Wouter Davidts, Cornford & CrossCharles Esche, Annie Fletcher & Sarah Pierce, Liam Gillick, Janna Graham, Tom Holert, William Kaizen, Hassan Khan, Annette Krauss, Emily Pethick & Marina Vishmidt, Stewart Martin, Ute Meta Bauer, Marion von Osten & Eva Egermann, Andrea Phillips, Raqs Media Collective, Irit Rogoff, Edgar Schmitz, Simon Sheikh, Sally Tallant, Jan Verwoert, Anton Vidokle, Tirdad Zolghadr.